Faculty of Law and Administration
University of Lodz

Kopcinskiego 8/12 Street
90-232 Lodz, Poland


AI Work Team - The research team for conducting studies on the consequences of the development of artificial intelligence and other modern technologies for the labour market, labour law and social insurance consists of

Krzysztof Stefański, PhD, Professor of the University of Łódź

 - team coordinator
Sylwia Wojtczak, PhD, Professor
Izabela Florczak, PhD
Marta Otto, PhD
Ewa Staszewska, PhD

The Team was appointed by the Order of the Rector of the University of Łódź of 10.12.2020 and formally operates from January 2021. The two-year appointment of the Team is to support its members in carrying out advanced research on the consequences of the development of artificial intelligence and other modern technologies for:

  •     labour market;
  •     labour law;
  •     social security law.

Why is and will our research be relevant?

Technological progress and breakthrough inventions have always resulted in social change. This is particularly evident in relation to human labour - both the conditions under which it is performed and its availability. Thus, Gutenberg's invention of printing in the 15th century hastened the end of the copying profession, despite the fierce struggle of master illuminators united in a corporation. Similarly, the industrial revolution, which began in the 18th century, led to the disappearance of certain professions, such as tiler, printer or potter. The processes of automation and computerisation have meant that professions such as typist, telephonist or typesetter no longer function.

On the other hand, Gutenberg's invention of the printing press led in parallel to the emergence of the typographer's profession. The industrial revolution was undoubtedly the beginning of new forms of work organisation, as well as many new professions, both at worker level (related to the operation of new equipment such as electricians or turners) and requiring expert knowledge (engineers of various specialisations). Finally, the progress of digitisation enabled the emergence of previously unknown whole branches of the economy and related professions, such as IT specialists or programmers.

We are currently facing another breakthrough in history brought about by the development of artificial intelligence. Its development and dissemination may change almost all areas of our lives. Undoubtedly, artificial intelligence will have a huge impact on the 
modern world of work, in the context of phenomena related to the labour market, labour law and social security law.

In some industries, the replacement of humans by robots remotely managed by artificial intelligence will certainly be welcomed with enthusiasm, as it represents an opportunity to reduce or eliminate the performance of human jobs that put them at risk of losing life or health. In other industries, the same trend may be perceived differently as a significant risk to the existence of many jobs and, consequently, the ability of hundreds of thousands of workers to earn a living. The changes will not only affect the structure of the labour market, affecting labour and social security law in parallel. They will certainly have a huge impact on the process of providing work and on the conditions under which it is carried out. We do not yet know the scale of future phenomena, nor the time perspective of their occurrence, but already today we can state with a high degree of certainty that the development of artificial intelligence has a potential to lead to enormous, if not revolutionary, transformations in the work environment. These phenomena will be investigated by a newly established AI Work Team.

What do we do?

The areas of activity of AI Work Team members include:

  • Participation in scientific projects and events concerning AI;
  • Preparation of legal opinions and expert opinions concerning the regulation of AI in labour law;
  • Preparation of draft assumptions or drafts of legal acts;
  • Providing ongoing expert advice on parliamentary, governmental and local governmental proceedings.

We look forward to working with you!


The AI WORK TEAM invites you to open discussion meetings around topics related to artificial intelligence.

  • 5 March 2021, at 06:00 pm

Artificial Intelligence and new technologies as a factor forcing changes in the conceptual grid of private law - difficult but not obvious problems
Introduction to the discussion - prof. UŁ dr hab. Sylwia Wojtczak

  • 19 April 2021, at 06:00 pm

Blockchain technology and problems of artificial intelligence
Introduction to discussion - Prof. Jakub Szczerbowski, PhD, UŁ

  • 24 May 2021, at 06:00 pm

When artificial intelligence goes for war - the possibility of using modern technologies in armed conflicts
Introduction to the discussion - Prof. Patrycja Grzebyk, PhD, UW and Mateusz Piątkowski, PhD

  • 21 June 2021, at 6 pm

Between Appleby and Women on Waves. Internet profiling and freedom of speech
Introduction to the discussion - Marcin Górski, PhD


S. Wojtczak, Endowing Artificial Intelligence with legal subjectivity, AI & SOCIETY

M.Otto, Workforce Analytics” v Fundamental Rights Protection in the EU in the Age of Big Data, 2019, Comparative Labor Law and Policy Journals v. 40/3.

M.Otto, Profilowanie w zatrudnieniu w erze Big Data. Szanse i wyzwania [w:] : K. Flaga-Gieruszyńska, J. Gołaczyński, D. Szostek, E-sąd. E-finanse. E-praca, 2020, C.H.Beck.