The Center for the Theory and Philosophy of Human Rights was established on the 14th of December, 2012 on the initiative of the Institute of the Theory and Philosophy of Law at the University of Lodz in Poland. Lodz is the second largest city in Poland.
The primary aim of the Center is to work on projects focusing on the better application of the theory and philosophy of human rights in European and international capacity development practice as well as with regard to interpretation of human rights internationally and within national legal systems. We wish to develop networks/pilot projects that originate in both Visegrad Group countries and in the Nordic region - also initially reaching out to, among others, countries like Turkey and Belarus

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The Center of Tax Documentation and Studies in Lodz was established on 1st December 1997 as a unit of the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Lodz. The Center is headed by Prof. Wlodzimierz Nykiel. A deputy head is Dr Ziemowit Kukulski. The activities of The Center are initiated and supervised by the Program Board, under the presidency of Prof. Johannes de Goede. The Board members are: Prof. Wlodzimierz Nykiel, Prof. Bogumil Brzezinski, Prof. Jan Gluchowski, Prof. Malgorzata Krol, Prof. Michal Sewerynski, Ms. Elzbieta Zuchaj.

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The Center's activities are carried out in two blocks: research block and teaching block . The aims of The Center are: conducting research on the legal issues of personal data protection in public and private sectors; providing assistance with indicating legislative directions of solutions that enable correct processing and security of personal data; opinions on draft laws related to personal data protection and information management; undertaking research on practical meaning of personal data; producing reports on the personal data protection and on associated with this issue problems relating to particular industries and sectors; conducting paid trainings; preparation of personal data legal opinions and documentation; creating of information policy, instructions, authorizations, records and procedures for personal data processing.

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The aim of The Center is to assist in the enforcement of local governments constitutional rights to adequate funding of their tasks. Hence, the Centre conducts research on legal solutions guaranteeing adequate share of the public state revenues to local governments. It focuses especially on following issues: appropriate shaping of own revenues, compensating for the loss of income due to changes in state tax policy causing adverse effects on local budgets, changing the structure and criteria for granting general subsidies.

The aim of The Centre is to conduct research and undertake teaching and training activities devoted to various aspects of public procurement and public-private partnership (PPP).

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European Centre for Constitutional Research is an interdisciplinary unit with three primary research areas: comparative constitutionalism, challenges to the contemporary constitutional democracies and the problem of internationalization of the constitutional and legal systems in the European states. Our basic activities include participation in the international research and grant programmes, as well as organization of academic events in Łódź, Warsaw and Brussels. ECCR cooperates with a number of international research institutions, such as the European University Institute in Florence, Faculty of Law at the New York University or the European Centre at the Free University of Brussels.

In the framework of “Crossroads” project, our Centre translates into Polish and publishes  as “working papers” important academic texts from other languages in order to facilitate the knowledge transfer between Central and Western Europe.

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